I, Jennie of @jaggedrose on Instagram (jaggedrose.se), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’18. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made or refashioned garment, at least 5 days a week for the duration of May 2018
Me Made May 2016 Pledge

‘I, Jennie of @jaggedrose (jaggedrose.se), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’16. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made or refashioned garment, at least 3 days a week for the duration of May 2016’
I almost didn’t join this year, because I don’t really have anything new to share (or many office friendly items), but who cares, it’s too much fun to miss. Get ready for another year of toilet selfies, or possibly lift selfies as we have a nice big mirror in the lift at the new office building where I work :D
20s Print Cleménce skirt & Another Hemlock Tee

I know you’ve seen this skirt before, but while I was taking photos for the International Anna Party, I decided to get some better photos of it. I still haven’t worn this skirt out properly, because I’ve had problems finding things that match, the base colour is a really dark aubergine, not a dark blue as I thought! I like to be colour coordinated and as the skirt already has so many colours, I don’t want to add another couple of colours into the mix. So I’d like to have a top that matches one of the colours in the skirt & also tights that match the top so I can wear it when it gets cold – not that this summer has been warm :(

While I was having a bit of a wardrobe/house purge over the last month, I noticed that a jersey skirt I made years and years ago matched the green in the Cleménce skirt very well and I remembered I had some left in my stash. So I dug it out and figured I should have enough to for a Hemlock tee (Yes I like my Hemlock tees), I cut out the front first and then realised I didn’t quite have enough for the back. Time to get crafty….. I played around with the leftovers and managed to piece together the bits to make a back, even if some bits are cross grain because it’s jersey I don’t really notice, quite pleased with that hack!
Now I just need to find some tights that match (or make my own if I can find the same or matching fabric). I have pretty green heels that work with the green tee, not that I wear my heels, other than for photo shoots ;)

Scandi Baby Nest Sew-along

Scandi Baby Nest Sew-along recap for those who missed it the first time!
- Part one – Fabrics & supplies.
- Part two – Let’s get cutting.
- Part three – Let’s get sewing.
- Part four – Completing your nest.
- Baby nest inspiration
International Anna Party

If you’re into sewing and on Instagram, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of the #InternationalAnnaParty, organized by Elle, Ute and Pips. You can read more about it here on Elle’s blog and you can find each of these lovely ladies on IG; @lauralovespugs, @ute_ig and @magdalenesmuse.

This is my second Anna dress, my first was a wearable muslin that had many fitting issues, probably because it was the first thing I made after having my son. So it was fun to revisit the pattern and make it in a lovely soft viscose with better pattern adjustments.
I did a small pattern hack on this version, it isn’t the original skirt, I basically cut out an A-line skirt without any darts, it worked pretty well. But I do think something is still up with the neckline, but nevermind, if I’m going to be extremely picky about my sewing being perfect, I’ll never get any new clothes.

I do love my new Anna dress and the print just make me happy, it’s like someone threw confetti all over me, which is fitting because this is a party!
That’s about it… for your enjoyment, here are some more silly poses ;P

Me-Made-May’15 – How it went!

25 days of outfits, lots of repeats, but a better understanding of what I’m lacking in my me-made wardrobe and what I like to wear the most.
I’m a trousers girl and even though I used to have many me-made trousers I now have none! So that’s something to work on and I need more “office wear” comfy, yet classy tops.
Oh and I seriously need to make more cardigans, I live in them and I’d like to own a blazer & maybe a kimono. Guess I have my sewing plans from now until the next Me-Made-May……..
Now I just need some time to sew! :D
Me Made May 2015 Pledge

I, Jennie of www.jaggedrose.se, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15.
I endeavour to wear at least one me-made or refashioned garment, at least 5 days a week for the duration of May 2015.
It’s that time of year again!
This will be my second year participating in Me Made May and I had a lot of fun doing it last year. I’d like to say my fabric stash has shrunk since then, but that would be a big lie!
I’ve stayed with pretty much the same pledge as last year, to wear at least one me made or refashioned garment, at least 5 days a week.
The extra challenge I have this year is I’m on my internship for all of May (part of my studies), which means I need to dress business casual. Most of my me mades that I wore last year, while on maternity leave are my “stay at home, don’t care what I look like” clothes. I’ll leave you with a collage from last years Me Made May, looking forward to seeing what everyone wears! :)

Spring For Cotton Sew-along – Clémence Skirt

I had a sewing day yesterday and managed to finish my Clémence skirt for the Spring for Cotton sew-along. I wanted to make something that would show off the lovely print and that I would actually wear, I was playing with the idea of making a 20s style dress, but thought it would be too much and the fabric is a little to stiff for that look.
I bought the fabric on Ebay back in 2009, I think it was listed as a Liberty fabric, but I’m not sure if it is or not, I’d love to be able to find out, so if anyone knows, please let me know.
On other news, I’ve just finished my first week of a 6 week internship with an e-commerce company, (it’s part of my education) it’s a lot of fun, even if I still feel totally lost in the code.
Spring For Cotton Sew-along
The first quarter of this year has really flown by & there has been very little sewing going on here, just a lot of coding & studying & a little bit of Instagramming. I have been doing some knitting, small projects like wrist warmers & now I’m back to crocheting, trying to finish a cardigan I started about a year ago, which got put on hold while I taught myself how to knit again.

So to get back in the sewing groove I decided to join (or at least try) Rochelle’s Spring for Cotton Sew-along. I have chosen my fabric, but am still undecided about what to make, but I have a few more weeks to go.
365 Photos Week 52 + A Few Days

I’m abit late with this post, it’s been a crazy crazy christmas, due to the fact that I had a big school assignment to work on, that was due today.
So now I can try to stress less & start enjoying 2015, I have said to myself that I need to say No to things this year, even if I want to do them.
Ok, so christmas & new years was quite fun, my brother was staying with us, so of course there was gaming going on which is always fun. I do miss my live-in babysitter/personal chef, it was really nice having him here.

Here is the secret crochet project I was working on the last few months of 2014, it’s a baby blanket I made for my best friend. I found a solid granny square pattern that I liked & then made the rest up.
Here’s to a great year, filled with creativity & fun! Cheers! :)