Category Archives: Inspiration

365 Photos Week 15

As always with me, when I get an idea for a new project, I get very excited & want to start it, well yesterday ;) Never mind the fact that I have other projects that I’m working on, this is … Continue reading

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Hollywood Sew-along – The Notebook Part 1 & 2

I’m a few days late posting this, but better late than never. Freya organised a Hollywood Sew-along for the film The Notebook, if you haven’t seen it before, you must! I love this film & have seen it many, many … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, Sew-along, Sewing, Stash Busting | 2 Comments

365 Photos Week 14

We’ve had some lovely sunny days this week, but with cold winds. I even had to put my winter coat back on one day. I got a very nice email on Friday that said I had won a giveaway & … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 13

How can a year have passed so quickly? It was LL’s first birthday on Thursday, it still feels like it was only a few months ago he was born. He’s at such a fun age now, he’s a real little … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 12

Not a lot to say about the past week, I’m happy with my bobbin tower I bought at the trade fair. I’ve been sick again :( I got some home alone sewing time :) & I finished crocheting the front … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 11

It’s been a lovely sunny spring week again, even though we do have a very very windy storm still going on that started Friday night. We’ve been out for lots of walks this week, one day I met up with … Continue reading

Posted in Crochet, Inspiration, Life | Leave a comment

365 Photos Week 10

I finally got my Windows tablet back, Yay! I had to send it to Toshiba in Germany to get fixed, it kept freezing & wouldn’t turn off & annoying stuff like that. So I’m happy to have it back, it … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, Life | 2 Comments

365 Photos Week 9

I started last week with the urge to sort through my fabric stash, I have a small pile of fabrics to sell/donate, but for the most part I can’t downsize my stash. I love my fabrics & I have ideas … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 8

Well this past week started off being really crap, I got food poisoning or a 24-hour bug and was up all of Sunday night feeling horribly sick. I think I managed to sleep a total of 3 hours, needless to … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 7

I’ve had a very unhappy little son all week & I have no idea why :( Do you see my pretty “new” cardigan? :D So much better than that boring beige, now I just need to sew some fun new … Continue reading

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